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Check Our Official WhatsApp API Integration Guide

Use our Official WhatsApp API integration to deliver WhatsApp messages to your customers via your eCommerce store, Billing Software, POS Software, CRM, ERP and with any applications.
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1. WhatsApp API for INSTANCE

1.1 POST : Create WhatsApp Instance


access_token : 6472eb6e9XXX

1.2 POST : Generate WhatsApp QR Code

Display QR code to login to Whatsapp web. You can get the results returned via Webhook


instance_id : 609ACF283XXXX
access_token : 6472eb6e9XXX

1.3 POST : WhatsApp Webhook

Get all return values from Whatsapp. Like connection status, Incoming message, Outgoing message, Disconnected, Change Battery,…

webhook_url :
enable : true
instance_id : 609ACF283XXXX
access_token : 6472eb6e9XXX

1.4 POST : Reboot WhatsApp Instance

Logout Whatsapp web and do a fresh scan

instance_id : 609ACF283XXXX
access_token : 6472eb6e9XXX

1.5 POST : Reset WhatsApp Instance

This will logout Whatsapp web, Change Instance ID, Delete all old instance data


instance_id : 609ACF283XXXX
access_token : 6472eb6e9XXX

1.5 POST : WhatsApp Reconnect

Re-initiate connection from app to Whatsapp web when lost connection


instance_id : 609ACF283XXXX
access_token : 6472eb6e9XXX

2. WhatsApp API for Messages

2.1.0 GET Request : Send WhatsApp Text Messages (URL Method)

Send a text message to a phone number through the app


number : 84933313xxx
type : text
message : test message
instance_id : 609ACF283XXXX
access_token : 6472eb6e9XXX

2.2.0 GET Message : Send WhatsApp Media & File (URL Method)

Send a media or file with message to a phone number through the app


number : 84933313xxx
type : media
message : test message
media_url : https://yourfolderpath/test.jpg
filename (Just use for send document) : test.jpg
instance_id : 609ACF283XXXX
access_token : 6472eb6e9XXX

3. WhatsApp API for Groups

3.1.0 GET Message : Send WhatsApp Text Message Group (URL Method)[email protected]&type=text&message=test+message&instance_id=609ACF283XXXX&access_token=647a33a8cxxxx

Send a text message to a group through the app


group_id : [email protected]
type : text
message : test message
instance_id : 609ACF283XXXX
access_token : 6472eb6e9XXX

3.2.0 GET Messages : Send WhatsApp Media & File Message Group (URL Method)[email protected]&type=media&message=test+message&media_url=https://yourfilepath/test.jpg&filename=test.jpg&instance_id=609ACF283XXXX&access_token=647a33a8cxxxx

Send a media or file with message to a group through the app


group_id : [email protected]
type : media
message : test message
media_url : https://yourfilepath/test.pdf
filename (Just use for send document) : test.pdf
instance_id : 609ACF283XXXX
access_token : 6472eb6e9XXX

Advantages of WhatsApp API to the Businesses


In an era defined by instant communication and global connectivity, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage with their customers. WhatsApp, one of the world’s most popular messaging platforms, has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to connect, communicate, and provide exceptional customer service. The introduction of the WhatsApp API has further revolutionized the way companies interact with their audience. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the advantages of the WhatsApp API and how it can benefit your business.

1. Enhanced Customer Engagement

The WhatsApp API allows businesses to engage with their customers on a platform they are already familiar with and use daily. This familiarity translates into higher open and response rates compared to traditional communication channels like email. Whether it’s sending transactional messages, updates, or personalized offers, WhatsApp enables businesses to create meaningful connections with their customers, fostering loyalty and trust.

2. Automate and Scale

One of the standout advantages of the WhatsApp API is automation. With it, you can set up automated responses, trigger messages based on user actions, and even integrate chatbots to handle routine queries. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures consistent and prompt responses to customer inquiries, 24/7. As your business grows, you can easily scale your WhatsApp communication to reach a wider audience without increasing your support team’s workload.

3. Rich Media Support

WhatsApp supports various types of rich media, including images, videos, documents, and even interactive buttons. This capability enables businesses to provide detailed product information, visual tutorials, or even conduct surveys directly through the app. These multimedia interactions enhance user experience and help convey information more effectively.

4. Personalized Communication

The WhatsApp API allows for highly personalized communication. You can segment your audience based on their preferences, behaviors, or demographics and send targeted messages. Personalization goes beyond just addressing the recipient by their name; it’s about delivering content that is relevant and valuable to them. This not only improves engagement but also increases conversion rates.

5. Secure and Trustworthy

WhatsApp places a strong emphasis on security and privacy. Messages sent through the WhatsApp API are end-to-end encrypted, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential. This level of security is crucial for businesses, especially those in industries like finance and healthcare, where data protection is paramount.

6. Global Reach

WhatsApp is a global platform with over two billion users across the world. The WhatsApp API allows you to tap into this vast user base, reaching customers in different countries and regions. It’s an excellent tool for businesses looking to expand their international presence and connect with a diverse customer base.

7. Integration Capabilities

The WhatsApp API can be seamlessly integrated into your existing CRM systems, marketing tools, and other business applications. This means you can consolidate your communication channels, streamline workflows, and gain valuable insights into customer interactions. Integration also ensures that your communication is consistent across all touchpoints.


The WhatsApp API has transformed the way businesses communicate with their customers. Its advantages, including enhanced customer engagement, automation, support for rich media, personalization, security, global reach, and integration capabilities, make it an invaluable tool for businesses of all sizes and industries. Embracing this technology not only improves customer satisfaction but also opens up new opportunities for growth and innovation. If you’re looking to stay ahead in the competitive world of business communication, the WhatsApp API is a game-changer that you shouldn’t overlook.